Wednesday, May 6, 2020

School Readiness And Physical Health - 2867 Words

Child development is an important determinant to understand if they are developing normally and on the right track for school readiness and physical health. A child’s early years of life are considered a critical period in growth and prosperity. They are vulnerable to different factors that can bring harm rather than being able to help and protect them. Early childhood developmental programs can provide a critical foundation for children’s academic success, health, and well-being. Comprehensive early child hood development programs are designed to help promote young children such as preschoolers’ cognitive and social function, influencing their ability to be ready to learn in a preschool setting. School readiness may help prevent early academic failure and behavioral problems in the future. In order to learn more about early childhood development programs, I was asked to apply a theory-to-practice observation and observe how a woman taught children in a daycare setting. I plan on implementing my practices into a family-based daycare that focuses on cognitive development. Cognitive skills are a viable part to learning. These skills enable children to organize information and help children understand the world around them. It makes possible for them to use problem solving strategies, creativity, imagination, and their memory. At this family daycare, there is only one home provider, Maria. Maria enjoys welcoming children and their parents into her home because it is whatShow MoreRelatedThe Determinants Of Learning For Nurses Educators758 Words   |  4 Pagesincludes assessment of learner, their progress, providing information, feedback, reinforcement, and evaluation. Before learning can occur the learner’s needs, their readiness to learn, and learning style must be assessed. Readiness to learn involves physical readiness, emotional readiness, experimental readiness, and knowledge readiness. 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